Feb 19, 2010

Energy Vampires

Unlike large appliances that have become more energy efficient in recent years, many small appliances have not. Your TV, DVD player, and coffee maker, for example, are costing you money even when you aren't using them! According to the California Energy Commission, nearly 20% of energy used by small appliances is used when these appliances are plugged in, but not in use. Check out their website for the low-down on these energy vampires:

Here are 3 different kinds of stakes to put in the heart of these energy vampires...

Staples 12-Outlet 4350 Joule EcoEasy Surge Protector, $49.99

Has 1 master, 6 energy-saving, and 5 normal surge outlets. When the device plugged into the master is in standby or turned off, the power shuts off to the 6 energy-saving outlets. So you could plug your TV into the master, and DVD, gaming console, stereo, etc. into the energy-saving outlets. When you aren't watching or playing games using the TV, the other non-essential items would turn off too!

Belkin 8-Outlet 1000 Joule Surge Protector with remote, $33.63 with free shipping (Amazon)

Has 2 outlets that are always on, 6 that you can switch off with included remote. Also comes with a cable management system!

Staples 7-Outlet 2250 Joule EcoEasy Surge Protector, $29.99

Has 1 master, 4 energy-saving, and 2 standard surge outlets

Alternatively, you could just shut off the surge protectors you already own when you leave for the day. Either way I wish you luck in the fight against this energy-sucking army of darkness!

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