Feb 8, 2010

Fluorescent Bulb Mythology

Ever notice how hot incandescent bulbs can get? You would have if you ever tried to change a bulb without letting it cool first. Well, that heat is costing you money! The energy that should just go into producing light in incandescents is actually being wasted a good deal as heat...But most of us know that fluorescent bulbs are cheaper to light our homes with. The cost of buying the bulbs seems to be what's stopping most of us from switching.

What many don't realize is that besides being cheaper to run, fluorescent also last for about 5 years with standard use - about 2-3 times longer than incandescent!!! How can you get around footing the big bill to switch?
1) Consider buying fluorescent as your incandescents burn out, so that you only have to buy a few at a time.
2) Try switching all your bulbs to fluorscents after you get your income tax refund
3) Participate in bulb swaps, where local organizations or businesses will sometimes trade a fluorescent bulb for each incandescent you bring in
4) Put fluorescent bulbs on your birthday/wedding/baby shower registry
5) Look for good old-fashioned coupons in your local newspaper

1 comment:

  1. Just wait until LEDs become more mainstream, they last even longer, contain zero mercury, and use significantly less power than even flourescents do for the same amount of light. And are also available in a wider range of colors.
