Feb 10, 2010

Green Police

I nearly died laughing when I saw this commercial...Honestly, sometimes I want to go out and bust people's asses for not recycling like the green police! But when I read the comments on youtube I did a double-take. People are FREAKING out about this video. Why is it so controversial? I guess many people are sick of every company putting the 'green' label on their products to increase sales (never mind that many of the sustainability claims they're making are not backed up by fact, and there is often no regulatory body overseeing these claims). Or I guess maybe people think that this could actually happen in the foreseeable future. But honestly, people, asking you to be more sustainable is not an infringement on your rights. It will save you money, and cause less shortfall in the long-term of renewable resources. What's the point of owning a gas guzzling car if there will be no gas to make it run in 20 years?

There has been resistance to many movements, like sustainability, that are ultimately for people's own good. Smoking bans in public places, seatbelt enforcement, and health care reform, to name a few. Yes, change is scary. But comparing the 'green movement' to Nazi Germany is a little over the top, don't you think?

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